Survivor Cagayan Episode 7 Coverage


Mad Treasure Hunt

Mad Treasure HuntFinally returning to camp, the Solarrion tribe erupts due to Kass’ mutiny on the Aparri alliance. Kass admits that she is playing with her guts, but Spencer said she is playing with her estrogen. Morgan started yelling at Kass about her moves & Spencer just didn’t want to hear a word from Kass. Kass keeps saying, “I’m playing the game I want to play.” She also loves the fact that she causes so much chaos within the entire tribe.

The next morning, Kass slams Morgan about her daily actions by calling her lazy. With this move that Kass made at the last tribal council, she has no problem in calling people out. Morgan said, “I think she hates me because I’m cuter than her.” Okay Morgan, Kass is being rude but not for that reason. Honestly, this BIG move Kass made went straight to her head & I hate the way she is now acting.

The search for the new hidden immunity idol is on!



Reward Challenge

Rise & Shine

ep7reward1The Castaways were divided into two teams. After going through a series of obstacles to retrieve a wooden chest they then hauled it up a tall slope. The castaways must then assemble a ten piece puzzle. The first team to solve the puzzle and place the topper in the chest on top wins reward.

Best reward of the season – survivor themed outback steak house! YUMMY!!! That teeter totter was WILD! Woo’s shoes did not help him in this challenge. Classic Survivor knots. These rewards are amazing – potential game changing conversations can be said over these times away from the game. Yay purple! I want Tasha to win! Orange brought that up FAST, closed the gap & LJ is a wizard at puzzles FLYING through this. Winner, LJ ,Spencer, Jeremiah, Morgan & Jefraep7reward2


At camp, Kass, Woo, Trish, Tasha & Tony spoke about Spencer’s fate & even the Aparri’s alliance. Kass is closest to the Aparri alliance & the Solana alliance wants her information. She even revealed that she isn’t a flipper, but is playing her own game. Uh-oh, everyone needs to watch out for the wild cards. Woo & Tony decided to look for the new idol while the other five are away at reward – very smart play.


rewardfood.phpAt reward; steaks, baked potatoes, tomatoes, THE WORKS! This was sooo mouth watering & I’m not even on the show! While eating, Spencer finds THE CLUE TO THE HIDDEN IMMUNITY IDOL IN HIS NAPKIN – GAME CHANGER!

Once everyone was back at camp, the rain didn’t stop Spencer’s curiosity for the idol. He read the clue & found out where the hidden immunity could be. Woo was hot on his travel. The clue hinted beyond the water well & buried within the tree roots. Spencer didn’t even know Woo was behind him! Woo literally hid in all the bushes as Spencer was digging within the side of a wall of tree roots. After not finding the idol, Woo revealed himself, but found Spencer’s clue! Woo took off into the jungle with Spencer’s hidden idol clue! I have NEVER seen this in all 28 seasons of Survivor! These guys are playing HARD!!


huntWoo revealed to everyone that Spencer had a clue. Now EVERYONE is on the hunt! Both alliances are now forming search parties! Woo & LJ are running, Spencer is rounding up his alliance to catch up with them. Tony runs into the woods with a spear, Woo & Spencer are on top of each other, Jeremiah & Morgan are running through the river – everyone is freaking out! Literally all 10 castaways are after this idol.


In the midst of hell, Spencer apologizes to Kass while Spencer has his hand right on the idol. SPENCER HAS THE IDOL!



Immunity Challenge

Keep On Your Toes

The Survivors would each stand on a small wooden perch in an a-frame. They would brace a wooden block on their head and keep it in place using the wooden board above them. The structure would force the contestants to stand on their toes slightly, increasing the difficulty. The last person left with their wooden block intact wins immunity.
Winner: Spencer Bledsoe

This challenge is too much, I would lose real quick. Their faces are so FUNNY! You literally cannot move your head or body without this block falling. Spencer with the big W!


ep7immunityAfter the individual immunity challenge, Spencer won on top of finding the hidden immunity idol! The Solana alliance has begun to target Tasha & Morgan because they don’t believe they would share it with her. Morgan has been called lazy & isn’t worthy of being here. Plan A is Morgan & Plan B is Tasha. Once again Kass is middle man, while the Aparri alliance has decided on voting Tony out. Because Kass is in the middle Kass may flip & take out Tony. Spencer asked Kass to intervene & vote with his alliance. Spencer has gotten over the betrayal & asked Kass to really consider his offer of voting out Tony. Kass has no alliance & is looking to sit in the final 2/3.


ep7tribalAt tribal, the tension, once again, began to build when Kass admitted her mutiny. Spencer also admitted his high levels of emotions towards Kass & said he is over her betrayal. Morgan pleaded her case of not being a threat & no likeability making her an easy castaway to take to the finals. Trish retaliated by saying, “She is lazy & I can add more to the list of unlikeable abilities.” Morgan even confessed that she is used to being pampered in the real world. There is always someone in the bottom & this will be an interesting vote because Kass is at the bottom of both alliances. Kass bluntly admits to not being afraid of beating friends in competitions. Spencer did not play his hidden immunity idol before votes were read. After all the convincing, Kass did not swap on her new alliance resulting in the elimination of Morgan.morganloses

Survivors Still Alive

Jefra, Jeremiah, Kass, LJ


Spencer, Tasha, Tony, Trish & Woo


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