Survivor Cagayan Episode 6 Coverage


Head of the Snake

It’s MERGE-DAY, MERGE-DAY. GOTTA GET DOWN ON MERGE-DAY! The best part of merg1Survivor – the Merge, when both tribes come together & it is now every man for themselves! There are eleven castaways left – six on Aparri & five on Solana. On paper, Aparri is looking good with the majority of numbers, but this is Survivor & ANYTHING is possible when it comes to the merge. Both tribes are now living on the old Aparri beach. One of my favorite ALL time things on Survivor is the buff color & this year’s new merged tribe is black. Okay, so it may be over used, but I BOUGHT IT ANYWAY!

As protocol with the merge is the LOVELY merge feast! Baskets full with food these castaways have been deprived of for the last 19 days. Tony came up with the new tribe name, “Solarrion” a combination of Solana and Aparri. Personally, I love the name. I don’t like that they used both tribes – where is the Luzon tribe love?! With the newly formed Solarrion tribe indulging with their feast, a note was left for the new tribe to read out loud.

Survivor twist – New hidden immunity idol. This idol has “special powers” unlike the hidden immunity idols that are already in play. This idol can be played AFTER the votes are read. solarrion

This adds a WHOLE new dynamic to the already complex game that is Survivor. This is why I’m OBSESSED with this Survivor. Each season adds another depth of complexity.

After the happy, go lucky merge feast the games were back on – the new hidden immunity idol & the disadvantage of the Solana alliance. Aparri already told each other that there are a solid 6 & there is NO way to break them up. Tony knew it was pivotal to get Sarah back into their alliance to win majority & take control of this game. Sarah already cut ties with Tony & her former tribe mates after the last tribal immunity challenge when Tony began to yell, “TOP 5 BABY!” Sarah could not give her word to Tony.



Jefra, Jeremiah, Kass, LJ, Sarah


Woo, Trish, Tony, Tasha, Spencer & Morgan



Challenge – Individual Immunity

Bermuda Triangles

The castaways would stand on slanted slates, on a podium, over the water.  At regular intervals, they would move up to a higher set of slates, making it harder to balance.  After 30 minutes, the castaways would move to the top of the podium, where the last person left standing wins immunity.
Winner: Woo

individual1This challenge is a wild card – everyone seemed good until the last slate. I thought Survivor turned into dominoes for a second because 8 people fell off as soon as they stood up on the final stage, leaving Tony, Morgan & Woo. I was very surprised Morgan was up there in the final three! But as soon as I began to root for her, she fell off leaving Tony & Woo. The Survivor Gods must have been watching because the BIGGEST gust of wind came in while both men fought hard to stay balanced on that structure. Tony struggled a lot to stay alive, but he just could not keep his balance, granting Woo the first individual immunity.

woowinsWith Woo winning the challenge, the old Aparri tribe knew they had to take out either, Jefra or Trish because they are the least likely to have the idol & they may even flush out an idol, but Sarah was not on board. Sarah believed that her alliance should target Tony or LJ. Sarah also believed that Tony or LJ didn’t have the hidden immunity idol, which was dumb because she had ZERO evidence while both of them walked around camp with their hidden immunity idols. Sarah… what are you doing?! YOU MUST ASSUME EVERY POSSIBLE OUTCOME & VOTE ACCORDINGLY. As Sarah argued, Kass began to really let Sarah know what she felt is best for their alliance. This made Sarah feel isolated. Like her alliance didn’t care about her vote making her emotions volatile. In one of her confessions she stated, “I will make the decision on who goes home next, I’m the president right now.”  She is not the kind of person her alliance should be pissing off.

Kass was not having it from Sarah because of two things: one player shouldn’t have this much power & just because Sarah voted with Kass’ alliance once, that doesn’t make her a core trustworthy member. With these motives in Kass’ mind along with the way her alliance treats her, Trish reached out to Kass by asking her to flip. The Solana alliance will vote for whoever Kass votes for. This was a BEAUTIFUL social play on Trish’s part. Trish approached Kass with open arms & catered to Kass’ emotions & logic.

tribalcrazyAs for tribal council, OH LORD HOLD ON! Tony pulled out the big guns after Jeff asked about hidden immunity idols in the game. Tony LITERALLY showed the castaways his idol after Spencer called him out, saying it was a bluff. The Aparri alliance scrambled, saying “The other vote. The other vote.” Tony even said it is a community idol & it just isn’t for Tony. Both alliances huddling together in whispers, “Keep it the same.” “No, the other one!” Jeff was boggled! Once all castaways went up to vote, the drama intensified – Tony played his idol for LJ, BUT WAIT! LJ pulled out his idol (which his tribe didn’t know about) & played it for Tony! Jeff read the votes & it appeared that Tony & LJ did not read the Aparri tribe very well. Jefra got 5 votes, while Sarah got 5 votes as well. With the final vote, Sarah was eliminated. Kass flipped on her alliance.

Survivors Still Alive:

Jefra, Jeremiah, Kass, LJ, Morgan


Spencer, Tasha, Tony, Trish & Woo.




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