Survivor Cagayan Episode 1 Coverage

Hot Girl With a Grudge

Tribe leaders, hidden immunity idols & blindsides right out of the gates of this season of Survivor. I am ALWAYS excited for the latest Survivor seasons, but literally this season premiere hit the beach running.

Hot Girl With a Grudge

Aparri (Brawn) – Sarah was chosen as tribe leader & she chose Trish as the weakest.

Luzon (Brains) – David was chosen as tribe leader & without hesitation chose Garrett as the weakest.

Solana (Beauty) – LJ was chosen as the tribe leader & chose Morgan as the weakest.

The weakest members were flown to camp & given two options: findthe hidden immunity idol or get an extra bag of rice for the tribe. Trish was the only castaway to select the rice for her tribe. Garret instantly found the hidden immunity idol giving him a leg up in this competition. Morgan attempted to locate the idol, but failed when her tribe arrived to camp. With questions of her actions, Morgan quickly turned the situation around saying she got the tribe supplies (these supplies were already at camp when Morgan arrived)

The Brains tribe quickly began to self destruct with J’Tia barking orders & go nowhere fast. The Brawn and Beauty tribe easily adapted to their home building shelter& making fire.


Challenge – Reward & Immunity

Draggin’ the Dragon

The tribes have to pull a cart across man-made and natural obstacles. They are carrying boxes of puzzle pieces in the form of a dragon. At three different spots, one player climbs up a ladder, using a bamboo pole, to reach out and release a key. The players must take that key, unlock a chest and put it in the cart. Once they have all the chests together, they must dismantle their cart and take all the chests out to stuff them through a barricade in the course. They must then climb up over the wall, reassemble the cart on the other side, and then make it through a bunch of natural obstacles to make it to the end.Using the pieces of the boxes, they must then solve a puzzle. First two tribes to finish their puzzles win immunity.

Reward: Fire-making kit for the first-place tribe and a flint for the second tribe.
Winners (according to finish): Solana & Aparri

Luzon, the Brains tribe lost horribly, to say the least. Back at camp the game of Survivor begun. David & Kass quickly paired up agreeing to vote out J’tia due to her performance in the challenge along with her loud lazy orders around camp. Kass told J’Tia just that when J’Tia asked her about the upcoming vote – once this information was revealed J’Tia, Tasha, Spence & Garrett aligned to vote out David.

Blindsiding Kass and making David the first victim of Survivor Cagayan.Hot Girl With a Grudge

Once the actual game of Survivor starts you really get to see these people’s true characters. J’Tia was highly talked about all over the internet & in my opinion – she sucks, she’s loud & she cracks under pressure.

Hot Girl With a Grudge(Part 2)

Kass was blindsided by Luzon, the Brains tribe making her a free agent for future votes. Spence & Garrett approached her asking for her alliance, which she told them she would be apart of – letting the audience know, she has no allegiance to anyone. Garrett kept his hidden immunity idol a secret from his closest ally, Spencer.

The Brawn tribe seems to have some villains stirring in their midst – Tony, the police officer from Jersey continues to lie about his profession & already has tension towards Cliff, who is a favorite amongst Aparri, the Brawn tribe.

The Beauty tribe has an alliance of three; Brice, Jeremiah & Morgan. Brice was the castaway who initiated the alliance saying – “us country folk need to stick together.” Really, Brice?! You’re from Philly! I like this strategic abilities.


Challenge – Reward & Immunity

Phish Farm

The tribes would race out into the ocean and climb over and into a bamboo cage. The tribe would then have to untie a door on the cage and drag a fish traps through the door and back to the beach. Once back onto the beach, the must retrieve puzzle pieces inside the fish traps. After that, one member from each tribe must assemble a rotating puzzle. The first two tribes to finish would get immunity; the first-place tribe would receive spices.

Reward: First place tribe receives spices
Winners (according to finish): Aparri & Solana

Honestly, Luzon the Brains tribe need to get it together. They had the BIGGEST lead in this challenge. Once the team landed on the beach, J’Tia was in charge of the puzzle… who let it quickly slip away. J’Tia… What’s the deal?!


You would think by blowing the challenge you would vote out the castaway who messed it all up, right? WRONG! Garrett must have diarrhea of the mouth because he had the numbers & the hidden immunity idol. He committed social suicide in Survivor: openly talk with everyone on who goes home. Garrett didn’t want to run around and whisper (which is the game of Survivor)

Hot Girl With a Grudge

  & told J’Tia she is going home. J’Tia had a MELTDOWN and burned all of the tribe’s rice. Once they arrived to tribal Garrett revealed his alliance; Spencer & Kass. Because he said this out loud at tribal council, Kass flipped and voted with J’Tia & Tasha to get Garrett out of the game WITH HIS HIDDEN IMMUNITY IDOL IN HIS POCKET.

Survivors Still Alive


Woo, Trish, Tony, Sarah, Lindsey & Cliff



LJ, Morgan, Jeremiah, Jefra, Brice & Alexis



Kass, J’Tia, Spencer & Tasha


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